State Disaster Management Authority

Different parts of Daman and Diu are vulnerable to the natural calamities like Flood, Cyclonic Storms, Earthquake, Tsunami etc. Apart from these natural hazards there are chances of man-made disasters like major fire, industrial accidents, terrorist attacks etc. Daman and Diu is a small Union Territory having only 02 Districts. The total area of the Union Territory is 112 sq Km having a population of about 2.42 lacs of which about 75.16% live in the urban areas and the population density is 2169 per square kilometer. This UT DM Plan, Daman and Diu, has been prepared in the context of natural Disasters. This Plan should be useful to tackle the multi-hazard vulnerabilities and should be based on the factors like ever-growing population, increasing industrialization, development within high risk zones, environmental degradation, climate change, UT and national security, economy and sustainable development. The objective of the Union Territory Disaster Management Plan, Daman and Diu is to facilitate execution of activities for prevention and preparedness, operations, coordination, and community awareness and involvement. The framework of the plan is based on the paradigm shift in DM from a relief centric approach to a regime that anticipates the importance of preparedness, prevention and mitigation. The team has followed the guidelines for preparing State Disaster Management Plans issued by the National Disaster Management Authority for preparing the plan.


According to the united Nations, in the last two decades nearly 3 million lives have been lost to Natural Disaster and some 800 million people suffered deprivation and misery.

India has had its shares of disaster, Its sub-tropical location , long coast line and seismic geology make it vulnerable to major natural hazards like earthquakes, cyclone , floods, and droughts, Several parts of our country are particularly prone to earthquakes. Every year at least four cyclone of varying intensity hit parts of India 6000 km long cost line. Each year more than 50 million Indians are affected and some 5000 die in these natural disaster.

Manmade disaster like fires, bomb blasts, building collapses , roadways/railways/waterways/airways accidents, industrial, accidents too are common social and economic coast of such disaster cannot be calculated. Usually the worst suffers are the poor the marginalized section of society. Human suffering and misery as well as material losses from large number of natural disaster can be mitigated significantly by taking adequate preventive action and timely post disaster response.

The united nations in order to focus on disaster reduction. A disaster management division was created as part of UNDP.

Govt. of India get up a high powered committee in 1999 to prepare natural disaster management plans and make recommendations to manage disaster at various levels. Ministry of home affairs govt. of India has been notified as the nodal ministry for co-coordinating activities relating to natural disaster. For management of natural disaster at national level, a national committee for disaster management and cabinet committee on natural disaster both headed by the prime minister has been constituted.

Flowing from global and national disaster management mechanism , every state / UT and every district is to have a disaster management mechanism.

Accordingly, the district administration of the UT of daman and diu has prepared a disaster management plan for daman. The plan take note of areas vulnerable to disasters issues relating to water and climate related disaster like floods and cyclones. Geologically related disaster like earthquakes , chemical disaster, accidents related disaster namely fires and biological disaster namely epidemics. I am confident that implementation of the management plan would equip the people of daman to better deal with disaster situations and minimize damage to property as well as injury and loss of life.